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The huge success of GAYA 2014 has prompted challengers to step-up the show for the next GAYA. Tremendously motivated by the essence of GAYA which is to produce a highly creative and Indonesian show, the next-to-be producers and directors must go through tough ordeal before being positioned as Producer and Director.


Wanna know who are the Producer and Director of GAYA 2015? Check the picture below to get to know them and what motivates them to lead GAYA!

Introducing our new Director and Producer for GAYA 2015

GAYA 2015


Producer : Kenny Koesoemo
Director : Magdalena Sun


Assistant Producer : Stephanie Natawira | Wiky Ang
Assistant Director : Grace Bunardi

Having selected both Producer and Director of GAYA 2015, everyone would expect even a better and more dazzling show to blow the audience's mind away. The best GAYA is yet to happen, so be sure to stay tuned to our updates.

Moreover, if you are interested and passionate about GAYA, please do not hesitate to sign up for HOD positions or performers. 


Sign up link :
HODs :

Performers :



Click the above link to sign up

"Gaya is all about proudly showcasing Indonesia's culture and its diversity.
'Mansyurkanlah ibu pertiwi di antara bangsa-bangsa' "
Kenny Koesoemo (GAYA2015 Producer)


"Gaya is not only about giving ourselves a chance to shine and finding our identities but it's also about creating bonds, strengthening friendship and having second family to love" - Magdalena Sun (GAYA2015 Director) 


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